Benji Hyam doesn’t just scratch the surface, he gives the whole background story.

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In the second episode of the How do you know? podcast, Benji explains the thought process behind some of the most important decisions in his life that led to him becoming an entrepreneur, moving from the US and pivoting his business.

In this episode – where I ask Benji very long questions 😀 – I found out:

  • what it took for Benji to become one of the best content marketers in a very competitive field
  • what Sujan Patel, another marketer I greatly admire, had to do with Benji co-founding Grow & Convert, a brilliant content marketing agency
  • how having a meaningful debate over dinner can set the course for a life-changing decision
  • how to use rejection to reevaluate your path in life and choose differently
  • how leaving San Francisco can actually be better for your startup than staying
  • why Benji moved to Bali (it’s not what you’d expect!)
  • what effect The Surrender Experiment book had on Benji and a lot more!

The whole truth and nothing but the truth

I chose the tagline “practice what you preach” for this blog because I truly, deeply believe in it and Benji is one of the people who live by this!

He believes in transparency, in the value of sharing the challenges and failures along with the wins and great results. This has made our conversation incredibly personal and honest.

This means Benji did not shy away from discussing how the imposter syndrome gets to all of us or how burnout affects our lives. Benji doesn’t cherry pick examples to fit his argument, he tells it like it is and that makes it incredibly valuable!

I can’t wait for you to discover all the great resources and ideas Benji outlined in the hour we spent talking!

So here it is – the full story of how Benji made some of the most important choices that shaped his life!

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Thank you for listening!